Broker Check


Establish your Monthly Budget Quickly

If you haven't already set up a budget in your portal, now is the time to do it!

Budgets are forward looking so you won't be able to look back on the full year if you don't have it established now.

Now is the perfect time to establish one and it is easier then you might think.

Simply base your budget on your spending history and use the "Auto-Budget" utility. Don't have a lot of history established? No worries, start with what you have and make simple adjustments.

STEP 1:  Log into your portal and click on the Spending tab.

STEP 2:  Click on the Budgets tab

STEP 3:  Click on Create an Auto Budget

STEP 4:  eMoney will Automatically Create a Budget Based on Your Spending

BONUS:  Take the Time to Adjust the Blue Budget Numbers to Amounts you Want for Each Category  

Additional Notes

Already have a budget? If you do, the Auto-Create will not be available.

When you go to the Budget Tab your budget and spending will be reported. Simply adjust the blue budget numbers to what makes the best sense for you.

Another option is simply to delete all of the budget categories. When your budget is gone you can use the Create Auto Budget to establish a fresh start.

Give us a call and we can help you through it.

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